4 Questions To Ask Before Implementing a #BigData Strategy via @danielnewmanUV @millennialceo
4 Questions To Ask Before Implementing a #BigData Strategy via @danielnewmanUV @millennialceo
Data streams are constantly flowing from the technology we use in our daily life. Phones, televisions, computers, credit cards and even sensor-equipped buildings are all contributing to the data stream. And all this data is not only growing in volume, but it’s growing at a monstrous speed, doubling in size every two years. It is predicted that the data we create every year will reach 44 zettabytes, or 44 trillion gigabytes by 2020. Now that’s massive. But the question is: How are businesses going to wrap their arms around so much data? How do we even begin to make sense of it ?
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Rappel mon Article sur Le Cercle Les Echos : Ces entreprises du secteur public qui ont le vent du digital en poupe
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