[#DevOps] 3 conseils pour ne pas se planter ! via @avitus @techcrunch

3 conseils pour ne pas se planter avec DevOps !

DevOps apporte des bénéfices importants aux entreprises qui le déploie correctement mais pour cela il y a des fondamentaux à respecter, et cet article de Techcrunch revient sur 3 points cruciaux nécessaires à sa mise en place. Ah et au fait, DevOps n’est pas seulement une problématique technique, à bon entendeur …

Gone are the days of the quarterly product release cycle. To meet the evolving expectations of today’s end user, software must continuously adapt. As a result, hyper-automation of the software development process has become the thing on which companies, regardless of industry, compete. From fledgling startups to enterprise heavyweights, business leaders are realizing that they need to figure out how to embrace ideas like DevOps to keep up.

As an engineer and investor in the infrastructure space, I see where the breakdown happens with DevOps in theory and in practice. Progressive companies get the value of agile development, but the approach is often misguided, primarily because of the fact that DevOps comes into play too late in the game: Too often, startups only go back to layer in automation and test scripts once they’ve run into problems scaling. Enterprise giants face a similar challenge as they grapple with weaving DevOps into legacy infrastructure and processes.


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