Sébastien Bourguignon

Big Companies Can Avoid Disruption by Partnering With #Startup Accelerators via @HuffPostTech @ValaAfshar


Big Companies Can Avoid Disruption by Partnering With #Startup Accelerators via @HuffPostTech @ValaAfshar

David Cohen started as a software programmer at age 13 and since then he has had only one job interview. Cohen started three startups and now is the founder and general manager of Techstars, a mentorship-driven startup accelerator is considered one of the best startup accelerators in the world. Less than 1% of the companies that apply to Techstars are accepted — a lower acceptance rate than getting into MIT, Stanford or Harvard. Techstars a global ecosystem that enable and empowers entrepreneurs to bring technologies to the market.


Rappel des précédents portraits de la série #PortraitDeStartuper :

Portrait de startuper #16 – Zelip – France Hureaux par Sébastien Bourguignon


Portrait de startuper #15 – Jobbers – Jean Benedetti par Sébastien Bourguignon


Portrait de startuper #14 – BRAINEET – Jonathan Livescault par Sébastien Bourguignon


Portrait de startuper #13 – TellMePlus – Jean-Michel Cambot par Sébastien Bourguignon

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