Sébastien Bourguignon

Enterprise Agility Through Culture #agile via @BenLinders @infoq @OlafLewitz @MichaelSahota


Enterprise Agility Through Culture #agile via @BenLinders @infoq @OlafLewitz @MichaelSahota

Culture plays an important role in organizational change. Successful agile adoption tends to depend on the ability to change the culture. Making the culture explicit and becoming more conscious of the existing culture is important in agile transformations according to Olaf Lewitz and Michael Sahota. Giving attention to culture can increase the agility of an organization.


Rappel ma conférence aux ScrumDay 2015 : La Mutuelle Générale se transforme et devient agile

Rappel : Après l’#agilité, le #DevOps, la nouvelle arme de la DSI !


Rappel : Transformation agile à large échelle, la méthode F1

Rappel mon Article sur Le Cercle Les Echos : Transformation digitale et transformation agile sont indissociables

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