Sébastien Bourguignon

[#Startup] Les 10 métriques à suivre ! via @ttunguz


Les 10 métriques à suivre pour une startup !

Une liste rapide et intéressante de 10 métriques à suivre selon TOMASZ TUNGUZ VC et qui les utilise dans suivi des startups avec lesquelles il travaille.

With the analytics tools today, it’s easy to measure hundreds if not thousands of different metrics for your business. Cutting through all the chaff to determine the most important or insightful metrics can be quite a challenge.

Below are the ten metrics I’ve found to be most useful in board meetings. They answer the questions of how should a startup founder might measuring the business at the highest level. You should have many more metrics than these, but I’ve highlighted the ones that I recommend presenting to your board and reviewing each week.



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