Sébastien Bourguignon

#Scrum Roles Demystified via @ScrumAlliance


#Scrum Roles Demystified via @ScrumAlliance

When an organization decides to embrace Scrum, one of the first things to understand is how Scrum roles differ from traditional project execution roles. While there are only three main roles in Scrum, they don’t automatically align with titles familiar to most of us. Let’s start with a brief definition of each:


Rappel ma conférence aux ScrumDay 2015 : La Mutuelle Générale se transforme et devient agile


Rappel mon Article sur Le Cercle Les Echos : Transformation digitale et transformation agile sont indissociables

Rappel : Après l’#agilité, le #DevOps, la nouvelle arme de la DSI !


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